Fahitàna ny Sekoly Kintana
Ny fahitànay ny Sekoly Kintana dia hanorina sekoly misy fiaraha-monina ahitana fikarohana amin’ny famipianarana, fianarana ary ny psikopedagojia. Ny sekolinay dia manana tontolo iainana mandray ny zaza eto an-toerena anatin’ny izany ny zanatany, ny zanak’iero vazaha miasa eto an-toerena, ary zanaki iero ray aman-dreny manao worldschooling. Reggio Emilia sy Montessori no fomba entina hampianarana amin’ny teny gasy, frantsay, anglisy vo ny taranja STEAM (siansa, teknolojia, enjeniera, arts, matematika), athletisma, ary ny fianarana momba ny fientanam-po, manaja ny toetra ny tsirairay, fiaraha-monina, sy mpitsikera.

Sekoly Kintana’s Cosmic Curriculum – the Seven Pillars
1. Great Lessons: The Gateway to Knowledge
At Sekoly Kintana, the Cosmic Curriculum begins with the Great Lessons, immersive stories that ignite curiosity and a sense of wonder. These lessons introduce students to the vastness of the universe and their place within it, laying the foundation for interdisciplinary learning. Our bilingual approach ensures that children start their literacy journey in their mother tongue, be it Malagasy or English, with proficiency in English by age nine and exposure to French as they progress.
2. Interconnected Learning: Bridging Worlds
Our curriculum weaves together various subjects, demonstrating the interconnectedness of all knowledge. Children explore science, history, geography, and the arts through a multi-lingual and multicultural lens. This holistic approach cultivates a deep understanding of how different disciplines and peoples interact and influence each other.
3. Language Mastery: The Heart of Our Community
Sekoly Kintana emphasizes language acquisition as a cornerstone of education. Students will learn to read in their primary language—Malagasy or English—with French introduced later. By creating a community where Malagasy is the predominant language, and ensuring proficiency in English by the end of primary school, we prepare our students to engage with the world confidently and competently. As we grow, we will add a fourth language option!
4. Comprehensive Curriculum: A World of Opportunities
Inspired by Reggio Emilia and Montessori methodologies, our curriculum includes STEAM subjects, sports, emotional intelligence, inclusivity, and critical thinking. We offer a nurturing environment where every child can explore their interests and talents, whether they aspire to be a farmer, engineer, or artist. Our holistic education model ensures that students develop proficiency in the skills needed to succeed in the 21st century while fostering a global perspective.
5. Certified Teachers: Guiding Stars
Our certified teachers, all holding at least a bachelor’s degree and authorized to teach in Madagascar, are trained in Montessori education by MACTE-accredited or AMI institutions. These dedicated professionals act as coaches and guides, fostering self-directed learning and using the latest research in education, psychology, and neuroscience to support each child’s development. They help children develop confidence and mental strength, encouraging them to love their own minds and envision successful futures.
6. Community Integration: Building Strong Foundations
Sekoly Kintana thrives through strong community partnerships. Collaborations with local businesses, social enterprises, and associations in Madagascar enrich our curriculum and strengthen our community ties. These partnerships integrate local knowledge, languages, and cultural practices, providing meaningful learning experiences that connect classroom learning with the real world.
7. Lifelong Learning: Cultivating Resilience
We aim to nurture critical thinking, self-determination, and resilience. By instilling a growth mindset, we empower children to overcome challenges and pursue their aspirations. Our mission is to foster a belief that abilities can be developed through effort and perseverance, leading to greater independence and self-direction. Through this, we cultivate emotionally intelligent and resilient children who are prepared to thrive in an interconnected world.
About Sekoly Kintana
Sekoly Kintana is dedicated to creating an inclusive environment where every child belongs. We welcome local children, zanatany, expatriates, and world-schooling children, celebrating local culture and history while building a global community. Inspired by Reggio Emilia and Montessori methodologies, our community language is Malagasy, with early instruction in English, and additional languages such as French, Arabic, and Japanese introduced as students progress.
Mission Statement
Sekoly Kintana is committed to providing accessible, quality education that fosters lifelong learning and empowers students in Madagascar to achieve their full potential. We create a nurturing environment that integrates educational, physical, and mental fitness activities, inspired by Montessori, Reggio Emilia, and the latest in learning theory, pedagogy, performance science, applied positive psychology, and neuroscience.
Our mission is to inspire students to envision and pursue successful futures, supported by a community of diverse cultural perspectives and strong ethical values. We are committed to training teachers as coaches and guides, fostering self-directed learning, and promoting social responsibility. We celebrate Malagasy language and culture, with a special focus on the unique heritage of southern Madagascar. At the core of our mission is the commitment to building pride in the Malagasy people and culture.
We believe in enabling all students to become lifelong learners and compassionate global citizens equipped to thrive in an interconnected world. By fostering emotionally intelligent and resilient children, we aim to contribute to the growth and prosperity of our community.
Vision Statement
Sekoly Kintana aspires to be a beacon of innovative, inclusive education in Madagascar. We integrate the latest research in teaching, learning, psychopedagogy, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), and technological integration, creating an environment where children fall in love with their own minds, develop confidence, and cultivate the mental strength to support their community.
Our school welcomes local children, zanatany, expatriates, and those from diverse backgrounds. We celebrate local culture and history while building a global community. Inspired by Reggio Emilia and Montessori methodologies, our primary language of instruction is Malagasy, with English to ensure bilingual proficiency. Our comprehensive curriculum includes STEAM subjects, sports, emotional intelligence, inclusivity, and critical thinking.
We aim to cultivate future leaders and professionals who excel academically and are mentally and physically fit. Whether aspiring to be a plumber, farmer, or engineer, our students will have the foundations for success. They will engage in diverse cultural experiences, practice a global perspective, and become proficient in Malagasy and English, with exposure to French.
At the core of our mission is building pride in the Malagasy people and culture. We foster lifelong learners and compassionate global citizens equipped to thrive in an interconnected world. By nurturing emotionally intelligent and resilient children, we contribute to the growth and prosperity of our community.
Impactful Investment
By investing in professional development and capacity-building, we aim to create a lasting impact on the education landscape of Madagascar, empowering future generations of students and educators alike. If you would like to support any of our initiatives as an Impact Investor or Donor, please reach out.